Lead Based Paint Services
Homes and apartment buildings built prior to 1978 have the potential to contain lead-based paint. However the mere presence of lead-based paint in a home/apartment is not cause for alarm. It is when lead-based paint-related hazards are present that are a child's risk of exposure and subsequent elevated blood lead level (lead poisoning) is increased. HazCorp Environmental Services, Inc. offers various services to help parents, homeowners, tenants, or prospective buyers identify the lead hazards in a home or apartment.

Lead Hazard Screens
For prospective buyers of homes in good condition a lead hazard screen is an inexpensive option for identifying the potential for hazards in a home. The lead hazard screen was designed for homes that are likely to be free of lead hazards. As such, a lead hazard screen is an abbreviated type of risk assessment that involves collecting fewer environmental samples but has more stringent dust guidance levels. Since lead hazard screens are only performed on homes in good condition deteriorating paint should not be present; therefore, lead-based paint testing is not performed.
Lead Risk Assessment
For homes/apartments not in good condition or where a child has been diagnosed with an elevated blood level a lead risk assessment should be performed. Through paint, dust, and soil sampling a lead risk assessment identifies the specific lead hazards in a home/apartment.
Lead Based Paint Inspections
Sometimes there is a need to determine if a painted surface contains lead-based paint. This may be due to an upcoming renovation, repair or painting project, in response to a Section 8 inspection, for financing requirements, or as part of a lead risk assessment. HazCorp utilizes a state of the art Niton XLp-300A X-Ray Flurescence (XRF) lead-based paint analyzer to quickly and non-destructively test all layers of paint on a surface. This ensures that the client can make an informed decision in a timely manner.
Lead Clearance Examination
Following either lead abatement activities or paint stabilization projects a lead clearance examination may be required. These are typically required when a child with lead poisoning was present in the home, when federal funds are involved, or as the result of a Section 8 inspection. Clearance examinations require visually assessing the involved components and may or may not require dust wipe sampling.
In accordance with Ohio laws and regulations all of the afore-mentioned activities are performed by an Ohio Department of Health-licensed Lead Risk Assessor.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers communicate to their employees the hazards associated with any task and then take steps to eliminate or reduce the risks associated with the hazards. Paint is commonly encountered and potentially disturbed in many job situations. Although the amount of lead in residential paint was required to be reduced to below 0.06% ("lead free") in 1978 there was no such mandate instituted for industrial use paint. As such, lead can still be found in industrial paint today.
In addition to lead other heavy metals, such as chromium and cadmium, can also be found in industrial paint. Through a combination of paint chip sampling and air sampling HazCorp can assist employers in determining worker exposure and managing the associated risk.