Environmental Site Assessment
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
Since the inception of EPA's Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), potential environmental liability has become a concern to all parties involved in real estate transactions. CERCLA regulations now coupled with EPA's promulgation of a federal standard for "all appropriate inquiry" ( known as AAI) and due diligence require parties involved in property transactions to determine the environmental condition of the property and any associated structures prior to completing the sale.
HazCorp Environmental Services, Inc., through the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment process, can provide sufficient information on environmental conditions to permit our clients to make decisions based on facts and sound management strategies.

Phase I ESA
A Phase I ESA is conducted as the first step in a series of phases to facilitate an orderly evaluation of environmental conditions. The Phase I generally consists of a background historical review, a site inspection to note visual evidence of conditions which may result in contamination and a review of current environmental databases.
Subsequent phases are performed only if warranted by results of the Phase I ESA. Phase II sampling programs are individually developed for specific site characteristics and generally include invasive types of sampling to confirm suspected areas of contamination or other environmental concerns.
HazCorp Environmental Services, Inc. can provide complete assessment services to identify the exact nature and scope of environmental problems. In addition, HazCorp Environmental Services, Inc. can perform risk assessments, feasibility studies and cost estimates for remediation.